We may have more '' passes " to go through and more '' enemy generals " to behead.───我们可能比 关公 还要过更多的 “ 关”,斩更多的 “ 将”.
Some day, with additional two capital punishment a ask behead.───某日, 与另两位死刑犯一道问斩.
Emperor very angry, he call person any lift to tie up and drag out to behead.───皇帝非常生气, 他就叫人把阿凡提绑起来,拉出去杀头.
The kidnappers had threatened to behead all four unless their jailed comrades were released.───帮匪们曾经威胁说如果印度方面不释放他们的同伙,他们就要将这四名人质全部斩首.
Take him out and behead him!───把他拉出去, 斩了。
It needed only a fraction of a second to behead him.───砍去他的脑袋只要短短的一瞬.
Their goal was to kill scores of people, with specific plans to behead 14 of them.───他们的目的是杀死数十人,并将其中14人斩首。
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