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时间:2022-09-24 20:03:20 作者:星火作文 字数:3166字


Chinese ladies and gentlemen


中妇───Chinese woman;诸子───Scholars


My mother is a traditional Chinese woman.───我的母亲是一名传统的中国妇女。

There are jungles and military clashes. She is the only Chinese woman there.───那块土地战火纷飞,她是唯一的中国女性。

It's the first time a Chinese woman has won the title.───这是中国女孩第一次获得此殊荣。

One of my favourite fruit and vegetable stalls is run by an extremely lively Chinese woman assisted by her hen-pecked husband and sons.───我最喜欢光顾的水果蔬菜摊由一位很会来事的中国妇女经营,帮手就是她那位惧内的老公以及几位儿子。

Every guy tries to get a Chinese woman out on a date and impress her with detailed "rap" or speech moves.───每一个男人都尝试去约中国的女人出来然后用一些详尽的聊天给她留下一个深刻的印象或者得到更快的进展。

It has taken me a while to feel at home in Chinatown as a non-Chinese woman.───作为一名非中国血统的女性,过了一会儿我才开始有了宾至如归的感觉。


Willow Leaf is a dazzlingly beautiful Chinese woman who is smuggled to Vancouver, Canada.

Chinese woman studying business law in Japan a question about studying a different kind of law.

A memory: an elderly Chinese woman selling slip-on shoes on Canal Street to the crush of New Yorkers who had to walk home in their office shoes across the bridge.

Plans are also in the pipeline to include a Chinese woman and a burka-wearing Muslim.

I'm a Chinese woman of tradition. I'm honesty, amicability and love life.