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时间:2022-09-28 20:04:35 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2458字


City night


夜色───the dim light of night;城市───city


The sad love song, makes torn to pieces the dim light of night.───感伤的情歌,把夜色弄得支离破碎。

Thee sad love song, makes torn to pieces the dim light of night.───感伤的情歌,把夜色弄得支离破碎。 。

Presented a familiar form - daddy in the dim light of night.───夜色中出现了一个熟悉的身影—爸爸。

The "butterfly" zhi 1 flew into the sky above, in turn, just a few laps slowly disappear in the dim light of night.───“花蝴蝶”吱的一声飞向了天空,在上面转了几个圈,才慢慢的消失在茫茫的夜色中。

Turning round the hillside, we found a tract of flat ground. At its end, we saw a house shrouded in the dim light of night.───转过山腰,有一片平地,夜色朦胧中看见平地的尽头有一所屋宇,我们齐说,好了,找到一户人家了。

The dim light of night is confused, the light twinkle.───夜色迷茫,灯光闪烁,心情不知道说什么好。
