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时间:2022-09-29 04:01:50 作者:学习啦 字数:2811字


Divine structure


神构───Divine structure


I love more than anything else to read his masterpiece "The Divine Comedy," for its strangely marvelous symbols and tropes, gently forceful structure, and unhurried manner are without parallel.───神曲》里,奇妙的想象和比喻,温柔有力的结构,从容不迫的行文,让我对《神曲》的喜爱无与伦比。

It's just built into the structure of the cosmos Because of the fact that all kinds of divine beings, Good and bad, are generated and locked in conflict.───它成了宇庙结构的一部分,因为各种各样的有神性之物,无论善恶,都出生且陷入冲突。

Nobody understood better than Da Vinci the divine structure of the human body.───没有人比达·芬奇更了解人体的奇妙结构,他第一个宣称人体是由完全符合黄金分割比值的‘模块’组成。

Through the Sacred Teachings of Keylontic Science , we can RE-learn and REMEMBER , our true original Source-intended divine structure.───通过神圣的keylontic科学,我们可以重新学习,并回忆起,我们的真正的原始源头神圣结构。


These are Sacred Technologies and are inherent to our original divine structure and are necessary for us to heal the distortions that are currently part of our core template.