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时间:2022-09-30 04:01:17 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2720字


The dead man


死公───The dead man


Many came to do the dead man homage.───许多人前来向死者致敬.

There the dead man lay, stark and stiff.───那个死人躺在那里, 僵硬直挺.

sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end.───看到死人吓得他毛骨悚然。

After a short time the dead man became warm too, and began to move.───过了一会儿,死人也暖和了,并且开始动了起来。

They questioned her closely about her friendship with the dead man.───他们仔细查问她与死者的情谊.

Mary came to pay homage to the dead man.───玛丽过来向死者告别.

The dead man's sister, Miss Wyrazik , arrived this afternoon from Kansas.───死者的姐姐, 怀拉兹克小姐今天下午从堪萨斯来了.

He slurred over the dead man's faults and spoke chiefly of his virtues.───他匆匆略过死者的过失而大部分说及他的美德.


Many came to do the dead man homage.

Police say the dead man was in his twenties.

The name of the dead man will not be released until his relatives have been informed.

She heard the dead man say Look for me by moonlight.

Relatives of the dead man were traced through an address found on his person.