It was an unassuming shop, registered under the vague name of Drapery.───这是一家不显眼的商店, 招牌上笼统地称作服装店.
The drapery served organically to cover the Madonna.───这块布料主要是用来覆盖圣母像的.
She inherited her mother's gift for devising drapery and costume.───她倒是继承了她母亲那种制作服装衣饰的天才.
My mother ran a couple of drapery shops.───我母亲经营着几家布料店。
She inherited her mother's gift for drapery and costume.───她倒是继承了她母亲那种制做服装衣饰的天才.
The orphan in whom you took an interest is now doing well in the drapery way.───你所关心的那个孤儿现在经营布匹和服装,生意很好.
Beams and pillars of rainbow , ho , screens and drapery of silvery afterglow.───螮蝀以为梁柱兮银霞以为屏扆 ﹒.
He did endless studies of drapery, plants, landscape, figures and mechanical devices.───他不断地研究油画衣纹 、 植物 、 风景 、 图案和机械装置.
The drapery served organically to cover the Madonna.
The style is noted for its flowing drapery.
My mother ran a couple of drapery shops.
Thus the drapery was also important.
They are pictorial, with good drapery and expressive features to the figures.