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时间:2022-10-02 04:03:08 作者:语文迷 字数:2640字


Suitable for tattooing on the clavicle




He stared at the whorls and lines of her fingertips.───他盯着她指尖的涡纹和流纹。

He delivered his lines confidently.───他沉着地说了他的台词。

He has a large, generous face with deep lines.───他宽大的脸盘上布满了深深的皱纹。

He signed up as a steward with P&O Lines.───他签约了P&O航运公司,成为了一名乘务员。

Our forecast for 1990 was on the right lines.───我们有关1990年的预测大体是正确的。

Parallel lines will never meet no matter how far extended.───无论延伸多长,平行线永不相交。

It's a new shop selling discounted lines and seconds.───这是家新开的商店,出售打折商品和等外品。

She speaks her lines very woodenly.───她台词念得毫无表情。


Look, double yellow lines you mustn't park here.

Train lines were flooded out.

Support for environmental issues cuts across traditional party lines.

Our soldiers have entrenched themselves behind the battle lines.

The actor has learned off his lines.