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时间:2022-10-02 04:03:18 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3194字


White wool


白羊毛───White wool


He saw some white wool on the real criminal's black wool sweater.───他看到真正罪犯的黑色羊毛衫上有一些白色的羊毛。

She looked the thick white wool coat and dress over, and added with cool approval: "Those are nicer than mine."───她看了看那件厚厚的白色羊毛大衣和连衣裙,又冷冷地加了一句:“那些比我的好看。”

Her white wool gloves lay in her lap.───她的一副白羊毛手套则放在膝上。

Rabbit Zhang Zhuo body pure white wool, moreover the tail is very short, likely small wool ball. ha, I good like the rabbit! 3.───它的上唇是裂开的。兔子张着一身洁白的毛,而且尾巴很短,像个小绒球。哈哈,我好喜欢兔子啊!

In their place were sheep, their white wool blotched with blue or red ink to mark them as someone's property.───取而代之的是羊群,它们白色的毛绒上星星点点的蓝色或者红色痕迹是为了区别它们各自所属的主人。

The fog lay like white wool against the glass, and we knew we could not try to follow him until it cleared.───雾像雪白的羊毛似的紧围在窗户外面;我们知道,在大雾蒸发散尽之前我们是不能够试着去追他的。


It was white wool with a band of red figures waltzing round the welt.

With a brisk motion, she brushes at the stains on her white wool dress.

In their place were sheep, their white wool blotched with blue or red ink to mark them as someone’s property.

A plump woman in a white wool suit and dark glasses bought it and tried to pay for it by cheque.

Lumberjack checks reworked in black and white wool are everywhere.