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时间:2022-10-03 12:01:32 作者:趣历史 字数:2563字


It's all up to you




I love to hear the boys pipe up in church.───我爱听男孩们在教堂里歌唱.

Did you see [ hear ] what was passing?───你看到 [ 听到 ] 什么了 吗 ?

I was so sorry to hear that your son had been traveling with those criminal types.───听说你的儿子一直与那些罪犯同流合污,为此我感到很难过.

I often hear him singing.───我常听见他唱歌.

He made as though he didn't hear.───他假装没有听见.

I could hear the director teeing off on his client's complaint as usual.───我能听到主任又像平时一样对客户的抱怨发火.

His thoughts were far away and he didn't hear a word of what you said.───他心不在焉,你说什么他都没听见.

Don't get excited the moment you hear a criticism.───不要一听到批评就沉不住气.


Ask no questions and hear no lies.

Be swift to hear, slow to speak.

I could hear the old man behind me wheezing.

Men love to hear well of themselves.

None so deaf as those that won't hear.