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时间:2022-10-04 08:05:17 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3006字


Avoid times




My companion suggested that we park out of sight of passing traffic to avoid attracting attention.───我的同伴建议我们将车停在过往车辆看不见的地方,以免引起注意。

Efforts are under way to avoid a £800,000 overspend.───正在采取措施以避免出现80万英镑的超支。

They felt he had been cowardly in manipulating the system to avoid the draft.───他们觉得他太没种,居然钻漏洞逃避服役。

The prince has also enlisted his two daughters in the effort to avoid the press.───亲王还借助他的两个女儿来躲避媒体。

If you want to avoid the crowds, it's best to come on a weekday.───如果想避免人多,最好在周一到周五来。

Billy Bonds has never been one to avoid a scrap.───比利·邦兹经常与球员发生拳脚冲突。

He tried to avoid saying anything that would implicate him further.───他尽力避免说出任何会进一步牵连他的事情。

Tell your midwife what you want so she can make a note of it and avoid misunderstandings.───把你的要求告诉助产士,这样她可以记下来,避免产生误解。


The doctor told me to avoid bending and stretching.

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The doctor advised Ken to avoid strenuous exercise.

We took a roundabout route to avoid the accident.

The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust.