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时间:2022-10-04 12:04:47 作者:趣历史 字数:2659字


No one will sympathize with you


会同情───Will sympathize;没有人───no one


I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school.───我想要一个妻子,她在我生病时能关心我,而且对我的病痛和耽误的学习有同情心。

Your tears are too worthless, no one will sympathize with you.───你的眼泪太不值钱,没有人会同情你。

Maybe most of us will sympathize, shake our heads, and just go on, as we usually do.───也许我们中的大多数人会同情、摇头,然后只是一如既往地继续下去。

The man will first th ink, in the family that will sympathize gently the woman, the man will be melting laboriously at heart can for sweet!───男人首先会想到,家中那温柔体贴的女人,男人在心里化辛苦会为甘甜!

And they'll hate the regime. And the society will sympathize with them, not the mayor's office.───人们会开始厌恶这个政权,社会则会给予他们同情,而不会对市长有任何体谅。


Anyone who has ever waited in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles will sympathize with this dilemma.