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时间:2022-10-04 16:01:31 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2869字


Sports Students


体育生───Sports Students


Even though obesity is an issue, those students who are severely overweight would never actually participate in sports but would rather just sit in boredom.───即使肥胖已经成为一个问题,那些严重超重的学生也不会真正去参加运动,而只是无聊地干坐着。

Sports students playing together make them learn about cooperation, which is very important to society, because people today do not work alone, they cooperate with colleague.───学生们一起做运动让他们学会了对社会非常重要的合作,因为人们今天不再是单独工作,他们与同事一起合作工作。

break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talk with their classmates.───休息对学生来说是做运动和与同学交谈的好时机。

Sports Students in the comprehensive quality education in the work of higher education is facing unprecedented challenges.───这表明体育特长生的综合素质教育在高校教育工作中面临着前所未有的挑战。

The first edition of the newspaper is the weekly news and sports, students report.───报纸首版是每周的新闻和体育、学生的报道。

Culture and Sports Students need to build the management and use of comprehensive education management system, scientific management.───体育特长生的培养与管理工作需要建立和运用全面教育管理机制,进行科学管理。
