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时间:2022-10-06 04:01:02 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2735字


Hot spring


热泉───Hot spring


This is a hot spring credited with miraculous curative powers.───这是被认为具有奇特治疗功能的温泉.

A hot spring has been found in the wilderness.───荒野里发现了一处温泉.

I orebody in Tonggou, isthe passway of hot spring.───上述4类成矿构造分属岩浆成矿构造系列与水压成矿构造系列.

Resorts are equipped with indoor and outdoor hot spring baths.───度假村内设有室内和露天温泉浴池.

The place is celebrated for its hot springs [ as a hot spring resort ].───那个地方以温泉 [ 作为温泉休闲地 ] 闻名.

Here, hot spring water runs down over rocks into deep pools.───在这儿, 热泉水顺着岩石流向山下的深水池.

That hot spring was effervescing with bubbles.───温泉正冒着泡泡.

Shall we go to the Huaqing Hot Spring?───我们到华清池去好 吗 ?


Iceland is full of hot springs, beautifully coloured rocks, and other natural wonders.

To the north are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan.

And when we first came upon the hot spring, the first thing I heard was the beeping sound.

There are several hot springs in the area.

That hot spring was effervescing with bubbles.