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时间:2022-10-06 12:03:51 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2702字


The red pen on the desk


红钢笔───Red pen;桌子───Table


I have a red pen.───我有一支红色的钢笔。

He took a red pen, circled the letters and then wrote.───他拿出一支红笔,圈住这些字符,并写到:哇!

In any event, my mother and her red pen showed me how deeply flawed a flawless essay could be.───无论如何,我的母亲和她的红笔向我展示了一篇完美无瑕的文章会有多少缺陷。

Paediatricians assessed him from tip to toe after his birth and all his measurements were highlighted in red pen with the term "normal" .───儿科医生在他出生后进行了全面评估,所有的结果都用红字标出“正常”。

But the red pen in the hands of your local Grammar Grundy has conditioned such a terror of being wrong that people fear variation itself.───但是在各自的语言暴君格伦迪夫人挥舞的红笔之下,人们害怕犯错,甚至害怕语言变化本身。

Writing another person's name with a red pen may suggest that the person will get into a serious accident.───用红笔书写别人名字有可能暗示对方将会卷入严重的意外中。


Don't dip my red pen into the black ink.