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时间:2022-10-07 00:00:46 作者:学习啦 字数:3073字


On the truth


正论───On the truth


Worship must be based on the truth of Scripture, not our opinions about God. Jesus told the───敬拜必须基于圣经的真理,而不是基于我们对神的见解。

Over the next few years many people had occasion to reflect on the truth of his warnings.───在随后的几年里许多人有机会反思他那些警告的真相。

He really thinks he has a monopoly on the truth.───他真以为唯有他明事理。

In order to help you to be better informed of the March 14 incident, here I have for you a booklet and a disc on the truth of the incident.───为了帮助你了解“3.14”事件,我在这里送给你一本书和一张光碟,都是关于“3.14”事件的真相。

Zhihua also does not matter how much you say a few words on the truth.───指画也不要紧,你多少讲上几句真话。

Thoreau's main goal was to maintain his own moral virtue and his freedom to act on the truth as he saw it.───梭罗的主要目标是维护自己的道德原则和按照自己心目中的真理行事的自由。


Concentrate on the truth, advised Eric Gill, and let beauty look after itself.

It is the auditor's responsibility to form an opinion on the truth and fairness of the accounts.

In this paper, we obtain the truth degree expression of the pseudo-metric in two-valued propositional logic, which is based on the truth degree.

As her work homed in on the truth of her circumstances, Margarett became more vulnerable.

But we must take a firm stand — even unto death — on the truth as we see it now.