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时间:2022-10-07 16:04:12 作者:趣历史 字数:2840字






Touareg has received more than its fair share of recognition since its introduction.───以来,途锐已经受到越来越多的认可。

The organization doesn’t usually evaluate SUVs that large, but the Touareg passed with flying colors, giving Volkswagen/Audi its ninth safety award.───组织通常情况下不会检测那么大的SUV,但是途锐顺利通过检测,为大众/奥迪赢得了第九个奖项。

To bring the Touareg from concept to finished product was a joint effort between Volkswagen and Porsche.───将途锐从概念变为实车是大众和保时捷共同的努力。

Unable to dismount Touareg's tire, we had to fill it for the moment and continue, then get it inflated every ten minutes.───途锐轮胎卸不下来,只好充足气继续开,每隔十几分钟就得再充气。

Same as the current model, the Touareg will share the same platform as the next Porsche Cayenne and Audi Q7.───一样的现有模式,途锐将共享相同的平台,为下一代保时捷卡宴和奥迪Q7。

The Volkswagen Touareg is the second generation of mid-size SUV developed by the German car maker.───大众途锐是大众公司研发的中型SUV的第二代车型。


Much of the rest of the country is still sparsely inhabited desert, populated by Touareg tribes in the south.