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时间:2022-10-12 00:03:47 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2550字


Silk cattle hair


蠒丝───Silk;牛毛───Cattle hair


She wore a sleeveless silk dress.───她身穿一袭无袖真丝连衣裙。

Her dress was of blue silk, quite light, and becomingly open at the neck.───她的连衣裙是蓝丝绸的,分量很轻,领口开得非常漂亮。

I think silk ties can be quite nice.───我认为丝绸领带相当不错。

Dena bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap.───德娜买了几卷看起来非常次的丝绸。

Silk is the speciality of this village.───丝绸是这村子的特产.

This old Silk Road linked China with the West in ancient times.───这条古老的丝绸之路在古时候把中国和西方连接了起来.

She wore a cashmere scarf, silk suit and pearls.───她围了一条开士米围巾, 穿了一身丝绸套装,戴了一串珍珠.

The painted murals in the Dunhuang Grottoes along the ancient Silk Road in China form the world's longest painted corridor , with a total of 45,000 square metres of painted murals.───中国丝绸古道上的敦煌莫高窟内的壁画是世界最长的石窟画廊.窟内有壁画45, 000余平方米.
