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时间:2022-10-14 16:03:21 作者:趣历史 字数:3230字


Little help


寡助───Little help


state recognizes this in the large body of family laws that govern children's welfare, yet parents receive little help in meeting the life-changing obligations society imposes.───国家在大量管理儿童福利的家庭法律中承认了这一点,但在履行社会强加的改变生活的义务方面,家长得到的帮助很少。

Mrs. Caan needs a little help getting her groceries home.───凯恩夫人需要一点儿帮助才能把杂货弄回家。

Until recently, not much was known about the topic, and little help was available to teachers to deal with bullying.───对这个话题所知甚少,老师们也很难得到帮助来应对欺凌问题,直到最近这个情况才发生了改变。

Bult's immediate plan is to deal with the snow piling up on her sidewalk, something she can manage with a little help from her students.───博尔特当务之急是处理她的人行道上的积雪,她的学生能够给她提供一点帮助。

If you feel you can't stand up to teasing and bullying on your own, it's OK to ask for a little help.───如果在遭受嘲笑和欺凌时,你自己无法反抗,你是可以寻求帮助的。

May be a bit irrelevant, but at least will not be the chicken, so that after reading everyone still has a little help.───可能有点文不对题,但至少不会是鸡肋,让大家看了后还是有一点帮助。


I need a little help to move these books.

Be careful - you'll be precious little help if you come back injured.

A little help is worth a deal of pity.

The concept of responsibility offers little help.

With little help from her father, she raised the younger children and saw them all through college.