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时间:2022-10-15 08:03:55 作者:语文迷 字数:2247字


Back to England


回到───go back to;英国───britain


If you go back to 1960, you'll find that very few jobs were being created.───如果回到1960年,你会发现工作机会寥寥无几。

They would go back to their tribal lands.───他们会回到自己部族的地盘上。

At the end of the year some people will go back to their native homes.───年终时,有些人要回故乡去.

We will go back to normal when things calm down.───事态平息之后,我们将一切如常。

She persisted that she was strong enough to go back to work.───她反复地说她身体已经好了,可以去上班了.

Let's all go back to my place!───我们都回我那里吧!

I am not ready to go back to work yet.───我还不准备回去工作.

She yearned to go back to the south.───她渴望回到南方去.
