Welcome to see you next time
He had a presence that inspired and a voice that compelled.───他的神态令人敬畏,他的声音令人敬从.
Your presence is cordially requested.───务希拨冗出席.
He had a tremendous physical presence.───他仪表堂堂.
Your presence is requested for the occasion.───届时务请出席.
Her presence lent an air of respectability to the occasion.───她的到场使那种场合增添了崇高的气氛.
In the first half of the game the Turkish team really made their presence felt.───在比赛的上半场土耳其队表现得很突出.
He had the presence of mind to put his emergency oxygen tube in his mouth.───他镇定自若地把应急输氧管放进了自己的嘴里。
The presence of the Premier shed lustre on the assembly.───总理的光临为集会增添了光彩.
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