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时间:2022-10-15 20:04:21 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2723字


Cause and effect




The result is that the lungs clog up with a thick mucus.───检验结果是肺部被厚厚的黏液堵住了。

A bad result is sure to throw a spanner in the works.───糟糕的成绩肯定会坏事的。

Following such a policy can only result in sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind.───实行这种政策,只能是搬起石头砸自己的脚.

you pleased with the result?───你对结果满意吗?

They were elated at the result.───他们对这一结果感到欢欣鼓舞。

As a result of collective effort, the difficult situation changed into a favourable one.───经过大家的努力, 困难的局面终于让位于顺利的局面.

All the paintings are startlingly dramatic as a result of their depth of field and colour.───景深和色彩的运用令所有的画作都展现出令人惊叹的戏剧性效果。

He was knocked sideways by the result.───结果让他大为吃惊。


The result pleased us enormously.

His blindness is the result of an accident.

The flight was delayed as a result of fog.

She was disheartened at the result.

The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.