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时间:2022-10-16 00:00:53 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2981字






He's a very small man with a lined, craggy face.───他是一位满脸皱纹、大宽脸小个子的男人。

Territory surrounded by mountains, between hilly, craggy, are mountain basin.───境内四面环山, 中间丘陵起伏, 沟壑纵横, 是山间盆地.

His craggy face and piercing eyes are intimidating.───他凹凸不平的脸和锐利的眼神令人胆寒.

all the craggy mountains yield.───还是峻峭高山,那全部出产。

Its people are hearty; its terrain can be craggy and daunting, or softly pacifying.───它的人民是热诚的; 它的地形可能是崎岖吓人的, 或者说是软软地让人感到抚慰.

His craggy face was serious.───他那张棱角分明的脸十分严肃.

Extraordinary rocks , craggy cliffs, secluded caves, and red leaves are the four features of this base.───峭壁 、 幽洞 、 红叶 、 悬空建筑是景区的四大特色.

He had a craggy face.───他面容粗犷.


He was a tall man with a craggy, rubbery face which twisted and turned, often into a sardonic grin.

Nothing in the script, or Auteuil's perky, craggy face can really tell us.

In the other direction craggy peaks loomed like soaring granite castles, with crystalline blue glaciers spilling and tumbling down their flanks.

One of those fair-haired characters with a craggy face.

The menfolk have an aged, craggy appearance, being hunch-backed from their hard labour, and wear a long grey beard.