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时间:2022-10-17 16:03:54 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2770字


Fear of threats




International law possesses the attributes of norm and coerce, which are the common natures of law.───国际法具有法的一般性质―规范性和强制性.

What it does not have is a right to coerce.───它所不拥有的是强制权。

You can't coerce her into obedience.───你不能强制她服从.

You cannot coerce someone into learning.───你不能强迫别人学习。

Clark had somehow been able to coerce Jenny into doing whatever he told her to do.───不知是用什么办法,克拉克总能让珍妮对他言听计从。

Obama would deploy soft power the power attract rather than coerce.───奥巴马将运用“巧实力外交”的拉拢性力量取代强制性力量.

To coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats.───威胁通过威胁或近乎威胁强制或禁止.

I will never coerce you.───我永远不会强迫你们.


Attempts to coerce people into retiring must be resisted; rights to retraining must also be secured.

No central planner need call[Sentencedict], no taskmaster need coerce.

Potter had argued that the government coerced him into pleading guilty.

I was coerced into joining the gang.

The rebels coerced the villagers into hiding them from the army.