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时间:2022-10-20 16:04:17 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2440字


Internal duty


内职───Internal duty


The internal porting and superior construction enable these pumps to handle continuous duty service applications and pump against high differential pressure.───内部端口和极好的结构能够使这些泵处理连续的负荷检修应用和对抗高压差的泵。

traditional role location of internal audit of universities is to serve as economic police, whose duty is to look up wrongs, prevent fiscal abuses and function fiscal inspection.───传统高校内部审计的角色定位主要是查错防弊式的“经济警察”,主要履行经济监督的职能。

internal audit is the law gives the internal audit organization and staffs the sacred duty.───内部审计是法律赋予内审机构和内审人员的神圣的职责。


The highest legal court also disagreed with China that the harmonised system of tariff classification could be used to judge whether a duty was an internal duty or a Customs duty.