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时间:2022-10-20 16:05:11 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2801字






This was what he was mouthing to Kaman after his turnaround shot in the 4 th quarter.───这是姚明在第4节投中转身跳投之后对卡曼说的话.

Chris Kaman has played very well this year.───卡曼今年打得不错。

Kaman : Ich muss schon zugeben, dass ich ziemlich verr ü ckt drauf war.───卡曼: 我必须承认, 我那个时候非常疯.

Frage : Mister Kaman , ü ber sie schwirren viele Ger ü chte herum.───洛杉矶快船这个赛季表现糟糕.

And Kaman violently wrestle the ball away from Yao after the whistle was already blown.───然后在裁判吹哨以后卡曼粗野的把球从姚明身上像摔跤一样打掉。

But Chris Kaman better than Yao Ming? Again, not on your life.───不过卡曼比姚明强吗?我再说一遍,生活是很现实的。

I think Yao was probably pissed at Kaman for the eariler play.───我觉得姚很可能为不久以前卡曼的行为感到愤怒.


Germany was the runner-up to Greece at Eurobasket 2005 and is always a tough out with Dirk Nowitzki and now Chris Kaman.

I think Yao was probably pissed at Kaman for the eariler play.

Kaman : Ich muss schon zugeben, dass ich ziemlich verr ü ckt drauf war.

Kaman : Ich hatte Probleme, mich zu konzentrieren, vor allem im Schulunterricht.