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时间:2022-10-20 16:04:18 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2800字


Philosophical nature


哲学性───Philosophical nature


rich connotation of natural concept itself provided possibility and approach for the transition of philosophical nature to moral nature.───自然概念本身的丰富内涵为从哲学自然到道德自然的转化提供了可能与途径。

I know why the movements look elegant and have a Oriental philosophical nature.───我明白太极拳为什么如此优美,并且带有东方哲理特征了。收藏。

This article explores the philosophical nature of the virtual electronic records in digital form, in order to deeply understand the virtual electronic records in digital form.───文章着重探讨了电子文档数字化虚拟的哲学本质,以求对电子文档数字化虚拟有深入的认识和理解。

Since A1 proposed a new foundation for all of mathematics, the work began with quite general definitions of a philosophical nature.───因为A1给出了所有数学的一个新基础,该著作首先讨论了哲学本质的广泛的定义。

The philosophical nature is the essence and starting point of university teaching.───大学教学既是艺术性的又是科学性的,更是哲学性的。


He published several books of a philosophical nature while president and liked to be surrounded by writers and artists.