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时间:2022-10-22 20:05:25 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2664字


The examination time is drawing near




I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.───我盼望着不久收到你的信.

He drove like a maniac. We had one near miss after another.───他开车像个疯子, 我们一路上险象环生,与好几辆车险些相撞.

His stables are near Oxford.───他的养马场在牛津附近。

Singapore is near the equator.───新加坡位于赤道附近.

The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.───关于维生素C的争议短期内不可能平息。

The restaurant is located near the cathedral.───餐馆位于大教堂附近。

"I actually live near Chester." — "Whereabouts?"───“我实际上住在切斯特附近。”——“具体在哪里?”

She was believed to have died in near poverty on the French Riviera.───据信她在法国里维埃拉去世时几乎身无分文。


The best fish swim near the bottom.

He who lives near the woods is not frightened by owls.

Don't go near the edge - it isn't safe.

Diligence is near success.

A vaunter and a liar are near akin.