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时间:2022-10-23 16:03:33 作者:语文迷 字数:2415字


Go to the dentist and wash your teeth


牙医───dentist;洗牙───Tooth washing


When the dentist at last removed the cottonwool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.───在牙科医生终于把药棉从我嘴中取出时, 我才勉强地告诉他说,他把牙拔错了.

The dentist is treating my teeth.───牙科医生给我治牙.

A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble.───牙医可能会决定拔掉那颗牙,以免反复发作。

The dentist drilled my tooth.───牙医在我的牙齿上钻孔.

She made periodical visits to her dentist.───她定期去看牙医。

He keeps putting off going to the dentist.───他把看牙医的事一拖再拖。

I have got toothache, so I must go to a dentist.───我牙疼, 必须去看牙医.

It is almost impossible to find a dentist who will fill a tooth on the National Health.───几乎不可能找到一位愿意接受国民医疗保健来补牙的医师。
