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时间:2022-10-23 20:03:41 作者:星火作文 字数:3140字


Ten books


十本───Ten books;书───book


Over half teenagers interviewed said they read more than ten books a year.───在受访的青少年中,超过一半的人表示他们每年能读十本以上的书。

Over half of the teenagers interviewed said they read more than ten books a year.───超过一半的受访青少年说他们每年读十几本书。

Members can borrow up to ten books from the library at any one time.───会员在图书馆每次最多可借十本书。

Let me buy every book Seth has written, or all the business books I can handle, or "up to ten books a week. "───写的每一本书,或者所有我力所能及的商业书籍,或者“每周最多十本”。

It's hardly a surprise that Agatha Christie as one of the best authors of detective novels out there made it to our top ten books list.───作为最好的侦探小说家之一的阿加莎克里斯蒂,她的书在我们前十的名单中并不意外。

Even more ominous was the list emerging from "Ten Books to Read before You Die, " a feature that appeared on America Online not long ago.───更加不祥的是一份来自“有生之日必读的十本书”中的名单,这是不久前美国在线上的一个特稿。


There are ten books or so in my schoolbag.

I had to lug ten books to school.

These ten books sum up this year's production.

Members can borrow up to ten books from the library at any one time.

Wood, a pet columnist for The Oregonian newspaper, has authored ten books on the subject of dogs, including The Dog Lover's Guide to Dating: Using Cold Noses to Find Warm Hearts.