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时间:2022-10-24 00:01:30 作者:语文迷 字数:2808字


I'm leaving at the end of July


七月底───End of July;离开───leave


And leaders in the U. S. House of Representatives are trying to pass a health care reform bill by the end of July.───美国众议院领袖们试图在7月底之前通过一项卫生保健改革法案。

The general had experienced difficulties commandeering horses and wagons and was unlikely to start out from Riga until the end of July.───这位将军在征召马匹和马车的时候遇到了困难,7月底之前他不大可能从里加出发了。

In February or March, the Oscars are usually being held. In end of July, there's the Malibu Art Festival, which has a bit of everything.───在二月或三月,会举行奥斯卡颁奖典礼。在七月底,则是马利布艺术节,有很多可看的东西。


By the end of July, 23 demonstrators had been killed and several wounded by security forces.

At the end of July, a farmer in Surrey noted of his cows were sick.

"By the end of July they are going to have to decide how to manage the oil sector, " Mr. Lyman says. "They can't just let it slide because that could lead to a conflict by the end of the month."

The meeting was put over until the end of July.

By the end of July up to 180 people had died in the clashes and over 500 were wounded.