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时间:2022-10-24 00:02:04 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2615字


black soy-sauce


黑酱───black soy-sauce


stewed in a black tea/soy sauce/spice blend, are a ubiquitous and cheap snack sold all around China in snack stands and convenience stores.───炖在红茶、酱油和香料中的茶叶蛋是无处不在而便宜的小吃,在全国的小吃店和便利店都有卖。

Rub the red wine, marmite malt sauce, black pepper, sugar and light soy sauce over the spare rib until well combined, marinate for 15 minutes.───红酒,妈蜜麦芽胚胎酱,黑胡椒粉,白糖和酱青倒在排骨,涂均上下两边,腌制至少15分钟。

traditional Chinese cucumber salad, or pai huang gua, is dressed with a vinaigrette of soy sauce, rice or black vinegar, chopped garlic, sugar and sesame oil.───传统的中式黄瓜沙拉,或者说拍黄瓜,表面都裹着一层沙拉汁,由酱油、白醋或黑醋、蒜蓉、糖和芝麻油调制而成。

Garnish: Yellow noodle, prawn, squid, deep fried pork fat, egg, black soy sauce, cai xin, lean pork.───配料:黄油面,虾,鱿鱼,炸猪肥肉,鸡蛋,老抽,生抽,菜心,猪瘦肉。

Steamed spareribs in black soy sauce───豉汁蒸肉排

Lobster with black soy sauce───豉汁龙虾
