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时间:2022-10-26 12:04:33 作者:趣历史 字数:2716字


Eau De Toilette




Those roses perfume the whole garden.───那些玫瑰花使满园飘香.

As they bake, they perfume the whole house with the aroma of apples and spices.───他们烤蛋糕的时候,整幢房子都飘着苹果和香料的香气。

I tried to identify her perfume.───我试图分辨出她用哪种香水。

Amy thought she caught the faintest drift of Isabel's flowery perfume.───埃米觉得她闻到了伊莎贝尔身上飘出的一丝极微弱的花香味香水的味道。

On entering a shop, he would ask for a new perfume called'Scented Shadow'or for'insoluble bath cubes '.───他一走进商店, 便要买一种名叫 “ 香味影子 ” 的新香水,或者要买非溶性浴皂.

The air was heady with the perfume from roses.───空气中玫瑰花的香味令人陶醉.

Musk is used for perfume and stimulant.───麝香可以用作香料和兴奋剂.

Who's wearing that spicy perfume?───是谁身上有那么浓的香味?


She sprayed herself with perfume.

He bought his wife some duty-free perfume.

She was wearing the perfume that he'd bought her.

I can smell your perfume a mile away.

What perfume are you wearing?