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时间:2022-10-26 20:05:13 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2593字


The tide trembled




The Labour Party swept in on a tide of discontent over rising prices.───工党在对物价上涨不满的浪潮声中轻而易举地当选了.

Last night's tide washed up some quite beautiful shells.───昨晚的潮水冲上来一些非常漂亮的贝壳.

I always remind myself that time and tide wait for no man.───我总是提醒自己岁月不待人.

His efforts to stem the tide of violent crime have been as effective as Canute's.───他遏制暴力犯罪增长的努力一直是螳臂当车。

The muddy tide flat smelled to high heaven.───多泥的潮汐洼地散发出极为难闻的气味.

The tide of the battle turned against us.───战况变得对我们不利.

The tide was going out.───正在退潮。

The tide of war swept back across their country.───战争的浪潮回过头来席卷了全国。


The beach had been washed clean by the tide.

Is the tide coming in or going out?

Is the tide going out or coming in ?

High tide is at seven in the morning.

A rising tide lifts all boats.