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时间:2022-10-28 08:05:09 作者:星火作文 字数:2818字


Safety net


安网───Safety net


It creates moral hazard: such a visible safety net encourages risky behaviour.───它引发了道德风险: 即这样一个表露无遗的安全网助长了冒险行为的发生.

The safety net has holes.───安全网络有漏洞.

Now the government is committed rhetorically – and, increasingly, in practice – to rebuilding the social safety net.───如今,政府承诺要重建社会保障体系,并在逐步地予以落实.

Erecting a safety net, however, may have only a marginal effect on spending, says Mr Huang.───然而黄亚生表示, 建立社保网络也许只会对消费产生轻微的影响.

The state now provided something of a protective safety net from the cradle to the grave.───该国现在提供一种终生保护性安全网.

Those standards as a safety net for Fannie and Freddie, their investors, the government and consumers.───这样的标准为房利美和房地美, 他们的投资者, 政府和消费者充当了安全网.

And the government safety net doesn't extend to smaller and regional banks, critical economic cogs.───而政府的安全网延伸不到更小的地区性银行, 它们是经济的关键组成部分.

a financial safety net───金融“安全网”


The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life.