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时间:2022-10-28 20:03:40 作者:语文迷 字数:3283字






That, in turn, is good evidence of a starburst.───反过来, 这很好地证明了星群爆发的存在.

Is NGC 7582 a Starburst Galaxy?───NGC7582是一个星爆星系 吗 ?

It is the brightest starburst galaxy ever spotted in the distant universe.───该星系是在宇宙深处所发现的最为明亮的星暴星系.

In this depressing twilight of political thinking, Snow Starburst like a fireworks display.───在人们政治上陷入思想苦闷的情况下, 斯诺的《西行漫记》就象焰火一样,腾空而起,划破了苍茫的暮色.

The pink ones. Do they taste like strawberry starburst?───粉红色的. 它们吃起来是不是草莓味的?

This unusual explosive and intense star formation activity qualifies as a starburst.───这种不寻常的爆发和剧烈的恒星形成活动有星暴的资格.

In this review , the study history and the definition of starburst galaxies are introduced first.───介绍了星暴星系的研究历史及星暴星系的定义.

Photo Gallery : Minerals A starburst or red tourmaline stands out against its white surroundings.───矿物质图片画廊.星放射状或红色电气石的出现依靠它的周围白色环境.


This is the sharpest wide-angle view ever obtained of the starburst galaxy, Messier 82 (M82).

The small brass starburst in the center of the face seems somewhat ornamental, like a tiny flower with eight petals.

This paper reviewed the advances in the study on the main chain type aromatic polymers including polyarylether ketone sulfone, calixarene, starburst and conductive polymer.

Photo Gallery : Minerals A starburst or red tourmaline stands out against its white surroundings.

The pink ones. Do they taste like strawberry starburst?