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时间:2022-10-29 00:03:52 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2426字


Anju Kitagawa


杏树───apricot tree;北川───Beichuan


order to keep this girl in a good mood, I had to steal some apricots from the neighbouring house's apricot tree.───为了让这个小姑娘保持愉快的心情,我只好到邻居家的杏树上偷杏子给她吃。

They are developing a new species of apricot tree which is more resistant to cold and blossoms in late spring.───他们正在培养一种新品种的杏树,这种杏树晚春时开花,有较强的抗寒能力。

Linan prolific apricot by, so in 1986 the county was designated as apricot tree.───因临安多产杏树, 故在1986年杏树被定为县树.

It is the dog drives the opossum up in an apricot tree.───是狗将白鼻心追上了杏子树。


For the sake of finding out the laws of insect pest damage to apricot trees and providing the basis for controlling the pest, sample plot method was applied to investigate the apricot tree stand.