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时间:2022-10-30 20:04:08 作者:语文迷 字数:2829字


Eat only one doughnut a day


甜甜圈───doughnut;一天───one day


Lewis was allegedly robbing a doughnut shop Wednesday when Officer Chuck Cassidy interrupted.───刘易斯被指控星期三在蕉纳特商店进行抢劫时,警官查克卡塞迪赶来,匪徒用枪击中警官头部.

The doughnut was made by Dora.───这甜甜圈是多拉做的.

Don't you like a doughnut?───你不喜欢甜甜圈吗?

Get her a doughnut. Can we get her one?───买甜甜圈给她帮忙一下好 吗 ?

And while she closed with a happy Scriptural flourish , he " hooked " a doughnut.───在她背了《圣经》中的一句妙语格言作结束语时, 汤姆 顺手牵羊 偷了一块油炸面圈.

No, I'm going to the snack bar to get a doughnut and some milk.───不, 我要到小吃店买一个油炸圈饼和一些牛奶.

A toroid generated by a circle; a surface having the shape of a doughnut.───'环'.''面,环形圆纹曲面圆圈形成的超''.'环'.''面; 具有炸面''.'圈'. ''一样形状的表面.

Dip a doughnut into his coffee.───将油炸圈饼放入咖啡.


Grandmother would never eat a doughnut without first dunking it in her coffee.