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时间:2022-10-31 04:03:16 作者:趣历史 字数:2655字


It has two long legs


长腿───Long legged;两条───Two


A long - legged girl you still can't jump over this?───亏你长了一双长腿,跳不过来 吗 ?

Not the long-legged female variety, instead regulators, bankers and investors have been flaunting their own smart models, as they seek to predict what 2011 might deliver.───不是长腿的女模特在展示,而是监管者、银行家与投资者在预测2011年前景之际,不停卖弄着他们精巧的模型。

Her name was Sheila, a long-legged blonde.───她叫希拉,是一位长腿的金发女郎。

The movement a terrier trot typical of the long - legged terrier.───其步态是典型的长腿梗类犬的小跑.

They're thin, tall, long-legged.───他们又瘦又高,而且腿还很长。

Long - legged to feel its way in the darkness, a mite is on the prowl.───一只螨虫正拖着长腿,在黑暗中四下寻觅.

Modern rose gardens favour the shrubbier rose, over the long-legged Hybrid Tea, which was low on foliage.───现代玫瑰园偏爱灌木玫瑰,越过长腿的大花玫瑰,低垂着小小的叶子。

He should be stocky, not long - legged or racy in outline.───他应当是粗壮的, 腿不是很长,有竞技的体形.
