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时间:2022-11-01 16:04:42 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3260字


Li Hui


李慧───Li Hui


Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui also greeted Hu at the airport.───中国驻俄罗斯大使李辉也到机场迎接。

Li Na, I'd like to introduce you to my assistant, li Hui.───李娜,我想把你介绍给我的助手李辉。

Li Hui, have you got the time?───李辉,你知道时间吗?

"There is always a traffic jam over there, " said Li Hui, a saleswoman at a nearby store that sells home and office safes.───“那里经常发生交通堵塞,”李慧说道,她是附近保险箱商店的售货员。

Vice Minister of Commerce Zhang Zhigang and Assistant Foreign Minister Li Hui were present at the meeting.───商务部副部长张志刚、外交部部长助理李辉会见时在座。

Li Hui takes a big map with him, which is drawn by hand. Wherever he reached, a special red sign would be put on the map.───李惠老人随身携带着一张手绘的大地图,每到一个地方,他都要去当地相关部门盖一个“红印”,以记录自己的足迹。


Sanya is the habitat of several nationalities, including Han, Miao , Li, Hui.

After the release, Li Hui cashed over 3 million RMB from The Company within less than two weeks, and the case tuned to favorableness to Li Hui.

On April 29, 2004, Assistant Foreign Minister Li Hui held regular consultations between the two foreign ministries with Deputy Foreign Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Mrs.

LI Hui (2000) The Advance of Genetics Studies on Phenylthiocarbamide Tasting. Exploring Researches on Evolution and Genetics. Shanghai: Institute of Genetics.

LI Hui (2002) Relation between Typology and Phylogenesis of Ethnic Genetic System. Proceeding for the 7th National Symposium of Ethnology. Enshi, July, 2002.