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时间:2022-11-02 20:01:07 作者:学习啦 字数:3015字






up to a sleeping mamba, tweak it by the tail.───会蹑手蹑脚的走向一条熟睡的大王蛇,扭它的尾巴。

The mamba will strike not once, but repeatedly, injecting large amounts of potent neuro- and cardiotoxin with each strike.───黑曼巴不会立即发起攻击,但是会不断地,释放大量的强力神经和心脏毒素。

The black mamba has no special conservation status.───黑曼巴没有设立特别保护区。

In contrast, Mamba, a 35-year-old farmer in Malawi, has no desire to leave his village despite droughts and periods of acute hunger.───不同的是,35岁的马拉维农民Mamba不愿离开他的村子,尽管那里发生了干旱和严重的饥荒。

Unfortunately, antivenin is still not widely available in the rural parts of the mamba's range, and mamba-related deaths remain frequent.───不幸的是,在黑曼巴活动的山区依然无法普遍使用这种抗毒血清,而有黑曼巴导致的死亡依然很频繁。

black mamba, you ready to join my trophy world?───准备好成为我的战利品了吗?


The Big Mamba , The Assassin has at a ring so close he can taste it.

The mamba is mainly threatened by habitat destruction.

As Bryant said at the end of "Black Mamba, " his recent short film by Nike, "Arrivederci."

Creep up to a sleeping mamba , tweak it by the tail. Crikey!

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