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时间:2022-11-02 20:04:11 作者:学习啦 字数:2458字


He spent an hour on his homework


花───flower;一小时───an hour


As one plant fades, another comes into flower.───一株植物凋谢了,另一株又会盛开。

Dad took a pin and pinned the flower to her coat.───爸爸取出一枚别针,将花别在她的外衣上.

I do know that flower, but I can't put a name to it.───我的确认识哪种花, 但叫不出名称.

Is the flower red or blue?───那花是红的还是蓝的?

They dug up their flower gardens to grow vegetables.───他们翻花园的土以种菜.

She was wearing a red flower in her hair.───她头上戴了一朵红花.

Cut the flower stems on the slant.───把花茎斜着切断。

to hoe the flower beds───用锄头给花坛除草松土


The plant has a beautiful bright red flower.

Flower power was a product of the sixties.

How beautiful the purple flower is!

He has a flower stall in Portobello Road market.

When does this plant flower?