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时间:2022-11-02 20:05:18 作者:学习啦 字数:2690字


Everyone seems very busy


好像───be like;很───very


A lens would magnify the picture so it would be like looking at a large TV screen.───透镜会把图片放大,就像在看巨大的电视屏幕一样。

I cannot conceive what it must be like.───我想象不出它会是什么样子。

I had some idea of what the job would be like.───我对于这份工作有了一些了解。

I vowed then, no matter what, I would never be like those people.───于是我发誓,无论如何,我和他们那种人都不会成为一丘之貉。

"Not all feminism has to be like this," Jo maintains.───“女性主义不必全然如此,”乔断言。

" I suppose every year'll be like last year?───年年像去年 么 ?

Would he always be like this?───他会总像这样吗?

He contemplated what the future would be like.───他思忖着将来会如何.


What the weather will be like on the day is, as always, the great unknown.

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A club should be like a big family.

What today will be like is up to me , I get to choose what kind of day I will have.

Thoughts of you Be like kite segment the line.