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时间:2022-11-02 20:04:26 作者:语文迷 字数:2646字


The corn is ready




The corn has begun to tassel.───玉米开始长出穗状雄花.

This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today.───这一报告可能会在今天开市后刺激一些人买进玉米期货。

The writer used the image of corn silk to describe the girl's hair.───作者用玉米须来比喻那女孩的头发.

There was an old mill that really did grind corn.───有一个真正碾磨玉米的老磨坊。

Peter and I also did a cabaret at the Corn Exchange.───我和彼得也在CornExchange剧院上演了喜剧表演。

There was an abundance of corn last year.───去年玉米丰收.

Fields of corn spread out as far as the eye could see.───玉米地延伸到看不到边的地方.

The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn.───古代中美洲和拉丁美洲的文明社会是建立在玉米之上的。


Corn is ground into meal.

Measure another's corn by one's own bushel.

The campers had trampled the corn down.

The field has been seeded with corn.

The corn was stored in large sacks.