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时间:2022-11-03 20:03:42 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2691字


Be used


遭用───Be used


Electric whisks should be used on a slow speed.───使用自动搅拌器时应该选用慢挡。

The mixture can be used as a gargle several times a day.───每天可用这种混合液漱几次口。

Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda.───艺术可以用作宣传的工具。

Cooked kidney beans can be used in place of French beans.───煮熟的红芸豆可以代替四季豆。

Small pickling onions can be used instead of sliced ones.───小块腌洋葱可用来替代切片洋葱。

Renewable sources of energy must be used.───再生的能源必须利用。

Steel cable will be used to replace worn ropes.───将用钢缆替换磨损的绳索。

The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away.───大木篮子可以用来装玩具。


The grease from pork can be used for frying.

The money is to be used for specific purposes.

How differences between men and women might be used for our mu-tual benefit in everything from our relation with one another to a better undrestanding of how our brains work. 

The money will be used to repair faulty equipment.

The voucher can be used at most major supermarkets.