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时间:2022-11-04 04:02:53 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3203字


Five groups


五组───Five groups


He suggested that our class should be divided into five groups.───他建议说我们的班应该分成五个小组。

The instance variables are broken into five groups.───实例变量分为五组。

So a project of 50 people should hold surveys in five groups of ten.───因此50人的项目应该在五个十人一组的组中进行调查。

There were at least five groups working the mall Thursday morning.───周四早上在三里屯Villiage至少有五个这样的团伙。

China's official Xinhua news agency said today (Thursday) police broke up the five groups in northwestern Xinjiang.───中国官方的新华社今天(星期四)说,警方在西北部的新疆破获这五个组织。

Plate suspended by the end of one day per week, vehicle number plate tail number is divided into five groups, suspended on regular rotation.───按车牌尾号每周停驶一天的车辆车牌尾号分为五组,定期轮换停驶日。


Identify the four or five groups that you think would have the largest stake in decisions in this policy area. 2.

Methods:50 S-D rats were divided into five groups as the normal group, the EMT model group, the FTN group, the lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells group, the FTN combined with LAK cell group.

Gerard Lyons, the chief economist with Standard Chartered Bank, divides them into five groups.

To study the clinical toxicity and attenuation of Leucaena in broilers, 250 10-day-old AA broilers were randomly divided into five groups, which every group had 50 broilers.

This subsample of our patients was divided into five groups according to their grammatical ability. Figure 7.11 shows the result.