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时间:2022-11-05 12:03:33 作者:星火作文 字数:2721字






A small egret ( Bubulus ibis ) native to Africa and southern Eurasia that feeds among grazing cattle.───黄鹭,牛背鹭:一种小型鹭鸶 ( 黄鹭牛背鹭 ),原产于非洲和欧亚南部,喂养在牧牛中.

This cattle egret just brought in a stick and was staring at me.───这只牛背鹭刚好带来一根树枝,并且正盯着我看。

Wide eyes: Black eyeliner made from charred egret bones.───大大的眼睛:用烧焦的白鹭鸟的骨头做成的黑色眼线。

An egret flew to southeast.───白鹭东南飞.

The wolf agreed with what he said , so he went to an egret for help.───狼接受了猴子的建议, 因此他去找白鹭帮忙.

I spotted this lone Great Egret in a large area of marsh grass.───我看到大面积的沼泽地里的孤独大白鹭。


Herons, egrets and ibises all nest here.

Among the feathered residents are flamingos, toucans, kookaburras, egrets, brown pelicans, hornbills and trumpeter swans.

Mornings, fog shrouded silent egrets, their long beaks needling the silvery surface of the bay.

The cattle egrets hatched and reared two chicks and the white-faced tree ducks also two.

Egrets and a solitary grey heron were busily feeding.