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时间:2022-11-06 00:03:57 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2380字


I live across the alley


小巷───alley;对面───opposite side


The street was a blind alley.───这条街道是条死胡同.

A drunk lay in the alley.───一个酒鬼躺在小胡同里。

I dodged back into the alley and waited a minute.───我往后一闪,躲进胡同里等了一会儿。

As a result, the police in plain clothes, followed two people quietly into the alley.───于是, 身着便衣的民警, 悄悄地跟踪两个人进了胡同.

We live in the same alley.───我们住在同一条小巷里.

Each front door looks across a narrow alley to the front door opposite.───家家大门对大门,中间隔着一条窄巷。

The blind alley ended in a brick wall.───这条死胡同的尽头是砖墙.

She parked her bike in the alley.───她把摩托车停在巷子里。


The line of reasoning will only lead you up another blind alley.