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时间:2022-11-13 08:01:14 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3036字


personal grudge


昵嫌───personal grudge


He also spoke of a "personal grudge" Benitez has against him and added that the Spanish manager makes little contact with his squad.───他说因为私人恩怨,主帅贝尼特斯不喜欢他,这位西班牙主帅与球队的沟通很少。

Dash fostered a personal grudge against the Empire.───达什和帝国之间有着私人的恩怨。

This gave credence to allegations that the police had conspired to frame the pair because of a personal grudge.───此种种,使人相信这种论断:因为个人怨恨,警方协力密谋构造了这场对台戏。

"There was no one as far as you know who had a personal grudge against her? " asked Bond.───“就你所知,没有人跟她有私仇吗?”邦德问道。

There was no suggestion that their six killers, one aged just 17, bore a personal grudge.───凶手有六个人,其中一人仅仅17岁,但没有证据显示血案源于私人恩怨。

This gave credence to allegations that the police had conspired to frame the pair because of a personal grudge.───诸此种种,使人相信这种论断:因为个人怨恨,警方协力密谋构造了这场对台戏。


If it was a personal grudge it would be a different matter.

What is known is that Ibarra had a personal grudge against the Arellanos.

The third mate is Flask, who seems to have a personal grudge against every whale in every ocean on the globe.

You don't need to have a personal grudge against some one to slash them.