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时间:2022-11-13 16:02:25 作者:学习啦 字数:3234字


farmer household


种户───farmer household


In order to see what happens next to fertilizer transformed from household rubbish, we went to visit a green house, where farmer li Yuanhu is planting vegetables and fruit.───为了看生活垃圾转换成肥料后怎样处理,我们参观了一个温室,那里农民Li Yuanhu正在种植蔬菜和水果。

of household contract, the representatives from the farmer households may participate in the arbitration.───家庭承包的,可以由农户代表人参加仲裁。

farmer labourers have the dual status: the farmer status in the household register and the residential status in the occupation.───农民工具有双重身份:既具有户籍上的农民身份,又具有职业上的市民身份。

Normative study was mainly taken to analyze the farmer household investment behavior and its influencing factors.───规范研究主要用于分析农户林业生产投入行为及其影响因素等方面。

The symbiosis behavior mode of enterprise and farmer household include commensalism, dissymmetry mutualism and symmetry mutualism.───企业与农户共生行为模式包括偏利共生、非对称性互惠共生和对称性互惠共生三种。

Secondly, income factor has the most significant effects on farmer household, and the poor family has the lesser provability than other.───其次,经济条件对农户参合行为影响最大,贫困户参合率显著低于中高收入者;


Secondly, income factor has the most significant effects on farmer household, and the poor family has the lesser provability than other.

The symbiosis behavior mode of enterprise and farmer household include commensalism, dissymmetry mutualism and symmetry mutualism.