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时间:2022-11-14 04:01:35 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2835字


He Tao has five basketballs


贺涛───He Tao;篮球───Basketball


Synthesize technology and computer support technological systems for good harvest and high quality on ping Guo pear located in the ping Guo pear production area in He Tao of inner Mongolia.───苹果梨丰产优质综合技术体系(网络版)素材主要选自内蒙古河套地区苹果梨生产基地。

He is now collecting material for a biography of Tao Yuanming.───他正在为写陶渊明传记搜集材料。

Lao Tzu, the Great ancient Chinese thinker, once observed in his well-known work, the Tao te Ching, "he who knows others is intelligent; he who knows himself is wise."───中国古代伟大的思想家老子在《道德经》中说过:“知人者智,自知者明。”意思是说,了解别人叫明智,认识自己才是高明。

"They actually called it shan he tao, which was the word for being a soft-shelled hickory, " he says.───他说,“他们把这个叫做山核桃,那是指一种软壳的山核桃”。

A Tentative Study of the Artistic Genre of Su Shi's "He Tao Shi"───苏轼“和陶诗”艺术风格论略

This is online map of the address "He Tao Jie Dao Chao Hai Dong She Qu , Chengyang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China" .───这是地址“中国山东省青岛市城阳区河套街道潮海东社区”匹配的在线电子地图。
